Another RPS question

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Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:27 pm
Location: New Plymouth, New Zealand

Another RPS question

Postby davidmellow » Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:55 pm

I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this problem...

Via RPS Manager, I'm doing a File -> Consistency Check.

After 20 seconds I get a popup error "Consistency failed to complete. Error = -1". (I've done this multiple times and it si always 20 seconds).

If I then look at the enabled/disabled state of the RPS -> Start Datapump and Stop datapump menus, it appears the datapump is still running. And in SQL profiler I can see the sp_columns_100 procedure still being executed for each table.

Eventually when the datapump has stopped (i.e. the "Start datapump" menu is enabled again in RPS manager, and the commands have finished executing on SQL server)...

...the relevant output in jommsg.log says...

2016/06/06 11:23:03.926 0281c-083c rps: RDB opened successfully
2016/06/06 11:23:07.029 0281c-083c rps: Checking schema consistency...
2016/06/06 11:24:22.365 0281c-083c rps: JADE and RDB schemas are consistent
2016/06/06 11:24:22.376 0281c-083c rps: RDB closed

(notice no record of my pop-up error which would have happened at about 11:23:23

... but attempting to start the datapump displays the "JADE and RDB shemas are inconsistent" message and tracking stops.

I've set all relevant ini settings in [JadeRPS] (e.g. QueryTimeout) to adequate values. I'm a bit stumped.


Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:27 pm
Location: New Plymouth, New Zealand

Re: Another RPS question

Postby davidmellow » Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:58 pm

Gaaargh, problem solved. Nothing to do with any Jade functionality, it was at our SQL end.


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