Hi there
I have some new web services running fine in our system, but have run into a problem with HTML Document apps. The application runs, but when I try to run the test harness...
I am getting a 1090 exception at JadeWebMessage::_createNewSession (442)
The prior call stack is JadeWebMessage::processMessage (4305), JadeWebApplication::mwtt_readReadyEvent (1731)
The HTML document is a trivial example, and the following experiment indicates that my app set-up, ini file etc are OK.
Given a schema structure of ...BaseSchema -> CommonSchema -> AdminSchema, defining the HTML doc and app in AdminSchema the problem arises.
If I create a new Schema, ...BaseSchema -> CommonSchema -> WebSchema, defining the HTML doc and app in WebSchema the problem still arises.
If I instead create the new schema, ...BaseSchema -> WebSchema, defining the HTML doc and app in WebSchema the app runs OK.
Therefore something in that Common parent schema seems to be causing the problem, but I am baffled what. That Common schema does have getAndValidateUser and isUserValid methods which for this web app I am ensuring simply return true. I have also ensured it uses its own (essentially do-nothing) initialise method.
Any ideas, or can anyone tell me what must be null at that exact 442 code position to be causing the problem?