I'm having trouble importing a 32bit activex into a Jade 7 environment.
The control registers OK, and the sample app runs no problem, but when you go to External Component Libraries and try import it, it doesn't show up - I think its only showing the 64bit controls registered on the machine.
I have started up a 32bit Jade client, connecting to an app server, but this also can not see the 32bit activex's registered.
Starting up a single user 32bit dev environment doesn't work with Jade 7, since it only supports 64 bit single user nodes.
Have tried registering the control using the standard regsvr32 and windows\syswow64\regsvr32. Both register it OK and the sample app runs fine in both cases, but neither option shows the control in the Jade import wizard.
Any ideas how to import this 32 bit control?