In the earliest implementation of JadeBytes (6.2.13 and earlier), instances were created with an incorrect internal representation. *This anomaly only becomes apparent once the system is upgraded to JADE 7.0*. When accessed in JADE 7 these instances cause anomalous behaviour (the value cannot be read and sometimes a crash ensues).
The issue is the subject of PAR 58738 and is addressed in 7.0.06 and hot fix
If you have systems with JadeBtytes instances created in JADE 6.2.13 or earlier then please read on...
Detecting the issue
1) The issue can be detected in a system by performing a test migration\upgrade of the 6.3 system to 7.0.05 (the upgrade to this release using the install shield will not detect the issue), installing hot fix and running a workspace that reports instances of the problem:
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3) In JADE 7.0.06+ the installer automatically detects problem objects and aborts the migration. The jommsg log will indicate which objects were not created correctly.
Repairing the issue if present
Prior to migrating a system from JADE 6.3 to JADE 7.0 the data anomaly can be rectified by resetting the content, e.g.
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