I'm having a problem with a very simple webservice using https rather than http. I have the following:
1. A class TestWS, which is a direct subclass of JadeWebServiceConsumer and has no methods or properties defined or re-implemented on it.
2. A JadeScript with the following code:
Code: Select all
webService : TestWS;
outputMsg : String;
create webService transient;
webService.setEndpointURL( <URL> );
outputMsg := webService.invoke( "" );
delete webService;
However, if <URL> is https://.... I get a JadeSOAPException 11052 "The service returned a fault message, HTTP Error 31011" when the webService::invoke method is called.
Note, I am running Jade 6.3.5 on Linux (CentOS 5) configured as a singleUser appserver. I tried it on my desktop (Windows XP) as single user and it worked for both http and https.
I also tried setting ini file options in the JadeAppServer section
but to no avail. Seemed a long shot anyway. I know that /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt has the Root CA Certificates since wget works with an https URL when the ca-bundle.crt file is present and fails when the file is absent.
Can anyone help with this?
Thanks in advance.