If we're connected to the internet on another network the same fully qualified name resolves to an external IP address (203.97.175.XXX.) When connected to the site on a VPN it resolves to the internal IP address and we can ping the server correctly. That is pinging "server.domain.co.nz" has the following output
However when connected to the VPN and we start the Jade client, it appears that Jade is resolving the server name to the external IP address. e.g. from the client's jommsg.logC:\Users\torrie>ping server.domain.co.nz
Pinging server.domain.co.nz [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=730ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=91ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=94ms TTL=127
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 91ms, Maximum = 730ms, Average = 251ms
In the Advance Network setup, we've moved the Remote Access Connections to the top of the list and it has the lowest metric in the routing table.2009/11/19 11:13:26.520 0068c-1d98 LHOTSE: (jade) Version 6.3.04 - ANSI, OS Version: NT 6.00 build 6002 (Service Pack 2), Wow64: false, Architecture: i686-msoft-win32-ansi
2009/11/19 11:13:26.520 0068c-1d98 LHOTSE: Invocation: "C:\Program Files\Concept Engineering LTD\CSMUVCDEM\c_bin\jade.exe" ini="C:\ProgramData\Concept Engineering Ltd\CSMUVCDEM\c_config\CSMUVCDEM_ThinClient.ini" app=VCare schema=VCareFormSchemaNZ
2009/11/19 11:13:26.518 0068c-1d98 JadeExe: Connect failed for app server tcp address: 203.97.175.XXX error 10060
2009/11/19 11:13:30.092 0068c-1d98 JadeExe: App Server: server.domain.co.nz Application: VCare Error = 14140 : Thin Client Tcp connection failed
2009/11/19 11:13:30.160 0068c-1eb0 LHOTSE: (jade) Finished: exit code 0
Has anyone struck this or a similar problem. We can change the INI file to use the internal IP address to work around the issue, but I'm curious to know why a Ping resolves the server name to a different IP address than Jade.exe does.