by Andrew >> Wed, 13 Oct 2004 19:44:39 GMT
I've been wanting to implement the dev security library for sometime, but have no development experience outside of Jade. Surely this is not all that uncommon.
I have a free version of Delphi and so asked a friend for assistance. They sent me a project that appears fine to me. However my login is denied regardless of whether the dll returns 0 or 1. Even though the project compiles I'm guessing there is some sort of flaw that causes it to fail when Jade makes a call to it.
I've attached the project in the hope that there may be a Jade/Delphi developer out there keen to help.
Ultimately I'd like to end up with a fully functional means of generating this library here in the newsgroups. Sure this project is only going to work for Delphi, so if anyone is aware of a way that some sort of attachment could be uploaded that would allow newsgroup users to alter the return value and produce the library without the need for other tools, that would be great.