by clarkm >> Tue, 14 May 2002 8:28:02 GMT
Maybe it's just me being a complete yobbo, but I'm having trouble getting the new JadeReportWriter to work. I was able to create some views in the configurator and a basic report in the designer through just kicking off the application directly, but to actually run the reports with data in them, I need to start the ReportWriter from within my own schema. After implementing the code that Jade support supplied me (see below), I still can't use it, as the configurator and designer are not making all their forms visible for me to use.
Shutting down our Jade App then gives me the lovely message of "invisible forms remaining" - which is still no use.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
(code to kick off the designer - supplied by JadeSupport)
jrwm : JadeReportWriterManager;begin
create jrwm transient;
jrwm.startReportWriterDesigner(app.userName, JadeReportWriterSecurity); epilog
delete jrwm;
Thanks heaps!
Hayden McInnes
Synergist Limited, Cambridge, UK