Jade Support >> Thu, 9 Jun 2005 3:17:04 GMT
The JADE ODBC driver does not currently provide support for multiple outer joins. However if you're performing a LEFT or RIGHT OUTER JOIN it should work.
Crystal Reports v10 changed the syntax for their JOIN SQL statements, however hot fixes issued for JADE 6.0.18 and 6.0.19 resolved those issues and they shouldn't exist in 6.0.22. I suppose is possible Crystal Reports have changed the syntax again.
On the Crystal Reports web page is a program called SQLCON32 that's available for download. This program lets you analyze each step of the SQL process. If you're not able to get the outer join working successfully you may like to download the application and use it to analyise the query. You can then send the output to, I'll have a look at it.
Jade Support.