Printer-specific fonts

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Printer-specific fonts

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:45 pm

by Leed >> Wed, 29 Dec 2004 5:10:02 GMT

Firstly apologies if I haven't provided enough information - I've recently started programming in Jade and am the middle man (between programmer, consultant, client and client's IT service provider) in the following technical issue.

I have a receipt printer that requires you to print in one of the fonts it downloads when you install the drivers on your machine. These are not True-type fonts. If you print to it in, say, Arial, it prints as if it is a picture and takes ages.

We run a routine to change the fonts on the labels in the report before printing. This works fine when we have the database server, app server and thin client on the same machine, and the receipt prints very fast using the correct fonts.

When we take it onto the clients site the printer prints slowly, consistent with the fonts being changed. The database server doesn't have the printer driver installed, but the terminal server that the thin client is running on does. (they use Winterm terminals to connect to the terminal server).

Does anyone know if Jade or anything else might change the font if a particular machine (or even user) doesn't know about them. We are making enhancements to the Greentree product, but this particular report appears to be written as a normal Jade report and doesn't use the Greentree Task and Print queues.


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