Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:01 pm
by Craig Shearer >> Sun, 29 Apr 2001 20:02:27 GMT
Hi Martin, Carl and Marc
While I can see your points, surely you wouldn't advocate doing work on a live system? What if you accidentally changed something that had major consequences? (or deliberately changed something that had unforseen consequences!) Where is testing in all of this before being deployed into production?
Anyway, I'm not sure you need to sell development licenses to customers - as far as I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong), you can install a full development version at a customer site, but their licence won't allow them to access the JADE development environment. When you do need to access it, you use jadreg.exe to change the licence to your own development licence, and then you're away. I have a batch script that uses jadregb.exe to change licence keys quickly.
I agree that this method does require that the system be shut down, but you'd want to take a backup before you did anything to the system wouldn't you, so you could restore it if it all went wrong. I think working on a live database is risky at the best of times, let alone while the system is actually running! Also, if the database is in production mode then some changes made don't take effect until the node restarts anyway.
Having said all of that, there are things you can build into your system that allows scripts to be run without having to deploy new methods. In all our systems, we have a form that allows us to enter and execute JADE code (using the JadeCompiler class). Most of the time, this, and a convenient means of inspecting the database, is all that is required for supporting a production environment.
Just my 2 cents...