system dir of the schema A and sub shema B.

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system dir of the schema A and sub shema B.

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:29 am

by Shameer >> Mon, 8 Sep 2003 4:00:38 GMT

we have database A(i mean the Jade system dir. ) with schema A running in production,we need to extract some data in dialy basis from production (this is not for report )and send this data to the other 3rd party system.we are not allowed to touch the Production system so at end of each day we will get a copy of Production Datadase A (i mean the Jade system dir. ) for us to extract the data.

For this we wrote an application which is Schema B (which have its system dir.) ,which is sub schema of schema A and we have written the codes to extract the data to a file.

Now the problem is that if i get dialy system dir. of schema A,when i replace the system dir of schema B with this new system dir. of schema A then my schema B is lost,so we need some best way of doing this with schema B access the system dir. of schema A with no or minimal manual intervention.please suggest the best way...Thanks :)

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Re: system dir of the schema A and sub shema B.

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:29 am

by cnwjhp1 >> Mon, 8 Sep 2003 4:15:54 GMT

Why not reload schema B after replacing the system folder?

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Re: system dir of the schema A and sub shema B.

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:29 am

by Torrie >> Mon, 8 Sep 2003 7:32:03 GMT

You can use the command line utilities with Jade to script a schema load. Jadloadb can be used to load a schema file eg

jadeloadb path=c:\jade52\system ini=c:\jade52\system\jade.ini schemaFile=c:\jade52\schemas\SchemaB.scm ddbFile=c:\jade52\schemas\SchemaB.ddb

This could be part of the batch file that copies the database, loads the schemas and then runs your Jade application that extracts the data.

(See the Installation and Administration maual or type jadloadb /? for the full command line.)

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