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HTML Doc problem

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:45 am
by davidmellow
Hi there

I have some new web services running fine in our system, but have run into a problem with HTML Document apps. The application runs, but when I try to run the test harness...

I am getting a 1090 exception at JadeWebMessage::_createNewSession (442)
The prior call stack is JadeWebMessage::processMessage (4305), JadeWebApplication::mwtt_readReadyEvent (1731)

The HTML document is a trivial example, and the following experiment indicates that my app set-up, ini file etc are OK.

Given a schema structure of ...BaseSchema -> CommonSchema -> AdminSchema, defining the HTML doc and app in AdminSchema the problem arises.
If I create a new Schema, ...BaseSchema -> CommonSchema -> WebSchema, defining the HTML doc and app in WebSchema the problem still arises.
If I instead create the new schema, ...BaseSchema -> WebSchema, defining the HTML doc and app in WebSchema the app runs OK.

Therefore something in that Common parent schema seems to be causing the problem, but I am baffled what. That Common schema does have getAndValidateUser and isUserValid methods which for this web app I am ensuring simply return true. I have also ensured it uses its own (essentially do-nothing) initialise method.

Any ideas, or can anyone tell me what must be null at that exact 442 code position to be causing the problem?


Re: HTML Doc problem

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:01 am
by BeeJay
Assuming you have a support contract, I'd start by running a meta-certify of your system, to see if there is anything wrong with the meta-data for your system, and then open a Contact in Parsys, attaching the resulting logs from the meta-certify along with the full stack dump from the exception and a versioninfo.txt file so they know exactly which release of Jade you're running etc.


Re: HTML Doc problem

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:25 pm
by davidmellow
Thanks beejay

I did a meta certify, couldn't see anything that looked at all relevant, and decided to have one last looksie before doing a parsys, and suddenly noticed the problem.

A class that is now created upon creating a new schema - a subclass of CnEcSchemaSession, did not exist in any of our schemas. It looks as though it is always named Sschemaname. Which makes sense given those schemas were probably created 13 years ago, before the WebSession class even existed. I added them to the two schemas in question and the app works. Fingers crossed it is that simple, as I have not added any Jade functionality to the doc yet, but as is it runs.
