Jade working with Web Services

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Jade working with Web Services

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:27 am

by tyc >> Sat, 13 Apr 2002 3:49:54 GMT

Hi Jade Developers

Has anyone use Jade application for Web services?

We have an requirement whereby there's a strict control for single sign-on requirement.
Anyone can suggest any efficient way of controlling SmartThinClient as
a single-sign on.

Scenario is : User signs on thru a web service (web server) portal.

Portal will pass back a unique identifier
Clicks to start STC.
Based on identifer, allows log on.
If user clicks on STC without logon, disallow access.

Possible solution :

Use of cookies : Can STC effectively use cookies as 'passed in parameters' to determine whether user can log on? Disadvantage : Users can disallow cookies.

Use of ActiveX : High overhead coding ActiveX and needs users to determine whether ActiveX installation is Trusted.

Use of Java ThinClient : Don't know much about Java Thin Client. If
it's a Java Applet activating STC, then it's technically possible to verify the identifier before activating STC.
If it's a Java coded ThinClient, it's back to the same problems again.

Can I tap on anyone's experience / advice for a better solution,


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