Stack Overflow

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Stack Overflow

Postby Kevin » Fri May 18, 2018 9:21 am

Hi All,

After getting more spam notifications last week, I started investigating the feasibility of using Stack Overflow (usage of which was proposed at the last Jade User Group as a better alternative to these forums).

There is a curveball with this. The existing 'jade' tag is setup as a tag synonym which redirects to 'pug'. That project was previously called 'jade' until it was forced to rename. However, while it's not occurring as often, there are still questions being asked about pug which use 'jade' terminology.

FYI - For anyone aware of the Java Agent DEvelopment Framework (also referred to as JADE) - This gets discussed on Stack Overflow as well, but the agents-jade tag is already used which avoids confusion.

As we'd ideally be able to use the jade tag, and pug shouldn't be referred to as that anymore - I've asked if the jade tag can be re-purposed for us to use.

While there doesn't appear to be any technical reason against it (following some debate), there's no justification for this to happen (yet) either, because we aren't already using the site yet for JADE related questions.

Hence, the recommendation is to use a 'jade-platform' tag initially (unless there's a better suggestion?)

Later on, we can revisit using the jade tag, when the need is demonstrated by on-topic questions about JADE being posted. Until then, we'd need to avoid using the jade tag (as that'll redirect to pug and cause confusion).

Before posting an initial "What is JADE?" question to get things started ... Are others still keen on this idea?


David D
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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby David D » Fri May 18, 2018 11:54 am

jade-platform sounds fine, please go ahead, we need a modern jade online community functioning.

James Burnby
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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby James Burnby » Fri May 18, 2018 12:21 pm

I am keen on the idea. I haven't visited this forum for a few years and finding the login details was rather difficult. Whereas, Stack Overflow was very easy to jump back in.

Advantages I see:
1. This forum software is rather outdated, but isn't used enough to update. I actually typed numbers rather than using bullets here.
2. Stack Overflow is a very stable and maintained site.
3. There are a few people around with an Stack Overflow account, so it would be one less place to check.
4. Jade do not need to try and maintain a system that is outside their expertise.


Aaron Shewkani
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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby Aaron Shewkani » Fri May 18, 2018 9:06 pm

I'm keen, it's a very good idea.

Stack Overflow is super popular, it would be great to have a presence and an active community for jade-platform, very useful for everybody, especially for beginners.

Sharing is good :)


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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby pmachapman » Wed May 30, 2018 10:04 am

I have created a new tag on Stack Overflow called jade-platform, and posted a question someone should be able to answer... :D ... on-in-jade

We need at least one question posted every 6 months to keep the tag active.

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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby Ty » Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:43 pm

We looked at Stack Overflow, but the question-answer format didn't seem a perfect replacement for these formums. If it works for you though...

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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby Kevin » Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:13 pm

It's not going to solve everything, it'll be most useful for what it's designed - Asking questions with the ability to vote on & accept answers so others can ultimately look back and see what the outcome was. Interestingly enough, there had already been a question about JADE asked on there years ago, which was luckily answered by a JADE developer ... but not without some initial confusion beforehand, which would be good to avoid going forward.

Using Stack Overflow is also something we can just start doing ourselves, per the suggestion made at the user group, rather than continuing to wait for JADE to follow-up on the idea - At the end of the day, we know such initiatives can't always be given a high priority.

There is still a lot of room for general discussion about ideas & issues.

For issues & ideas in general - Setting up JEDI was a good start, but it's seriously lacking some basic features. Rather than re-inventing this wheel, there's other options which are feature rich and with heaps of people developing them. It'd be great to see something like GitLab being used as the public issue tracker for JADE in future, which could ultimately become the place for open-source projects being led by JADE.

For anything in the context of the documentation - I suspect MadCap is used for publishing the online JADE documentation, which could be complimented with MadCap Pulse which provides the means for social collaboration in conjunction with the documentation so we can post any questions, comments & tips ... gone would be the days of raising a PAR for a 'documentation fault'.

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Re: Stack Overflow

Postby suzuki1100 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:13 pm

Happy to use Stack overflow for Jade questions. Apart from getting answers from our community it exposes Jade to a Global user group which is a plus. Questions about what is Jade is great.
Thanks Kevin for plugging and moving on this.

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