Has anyone used the JadeHTTPConnection class?
I want to ping a hidden URL with parameters e.g.
http://www.xxxxxxx.co.nz/appupdate/Stoc ... ckQuantity}
and handle the response - probably a integer reply.
If any one that has used it do you have some example commands?
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by a "hidden" URL. It looks quite normal to me.
Have You read the Jade documentation for the JadeHTTPConnection class?, e.g. at
https://www.jadeworld.com/docs/jade-70/ ... ass|_____0.
It looks like you are doing a HTTP GET, so probably just need to call the
getJadeHttpPage() method. This works OK for most simple one-off requests. You need to split up the full URL into its constituent parts for the method parameters (as per documentation), so in your example pServerName would be
http://www.xxxxxxx.co.nz ,and pUrlAddress would be the remainder. Try it out in a JadeScript on some known simple website URLs to see how it works. The calls use the underlying MS Windows operating system Http libraries (WinHttp or WinInet - see the class docs) so what you get is normal default MS Windows behaviours.