Windows7 incorrectly using large fonts for Jade

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Windows7 incorrectly using large fonts for Jade

Postby BeeJay » Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:01 pm

Ever since I received a new Windows7 laptop I've been bothered by the fact the Windows was incorrectly still using large fonts for some of the Jade dialogs even though I had reset the font size from the Medium - 125% setting back to the Smaller - 100% (default) setting. Interestingly, while the Smaller - 100% setting is marked as "default" size when the native resolution of your machine is large enough, Windows7 will actually default to Medium - 125%. The key to the problem I was experiencing is that switching back to 100% while it fixes true type fonts doesn't fix the MS Sans Serif, MS Serif and Courier fonts that are not true type fonts. Unfortunately Jade's default font is MS Sans Serif. After some considerable searching I finally found a Blog from someone at Microsoft that details how to correct this problem.

Note: The usual caveats about editing the Windows Registry apply, so do this fix at your own risk etc.

1. Run regedit.

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\

3. Select the Courier 10,12,15 entry and modify it by changing the value from COURF.FON to COURE.FON

4. Select the MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 entry and modify it by changing the value from SSERIFF.FON to SSERIFE.FON

5. Select the MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 entry and modify it by changing the value from SERIFF.FON to SERIFE.FON

6. Close regedit and reboot your machine.


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