by BeeJay >> Thu, 22 Jun 2000 23:10:08 GMT
It would be nice if the Ctrl+Tab option would swap around the sheets of a folder control.
Actually, this would depend on whether or not the control that currently has the focus is a textbox that you can type into in which case the Ctrl+Tab should insert a tab character into that textbox. If the control is currently a table control and the input type allows a tab character then again the Ctrl+Tab should insert a tab into that table cell. I can't think of another situation at this time when the Ctrl+Tab would be trapped before it gets to the folder control but if any of the other developers out there can I suggest you let JADE Support know so they can add this to the NFS.
If the control that currently has focus is not on a sheet of a folder, then falling back to the current practice whereby Ctrl+Tab swaps around the MDI Child windows would probably be best to retain optimum compatibility with current behaviour. Of course this all assumes you can get in ahead of windows and trap the Ctrl+Tab to prevent windows predetermining the MDI Child swap.
Of course, I tend to use Ctrl+F6 to swap MDI Child windows so it wouldn't worry me too much if the Ctrl+Tab behaviour disappeared other than the fact that Ctrl+Tab is easy to do with a single hand whereas Ctrl+F6 generally requires two hands.