How to script delete a system class

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How to script delete a system class

Postby concord » Fri Mar 19, 2021 9:58 am

I've managed to introduce the same translatable string into 2 schemas in Jade 6.3.
This now causes a 1310 key already used exception when trying to access the subschemas trans strings.

I've written a script and identified the duplicate translatable string, I want to delete it but am being prevented because it's an instance of a system class.
"Cannot delete this instance of a system class or subclass"

I suspect there will be an undocumented way to delete this instance.

Any ideas?

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Re: How to script delete a system class

Postby allistar » Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:00 pm

I doubt someone will tell you on a public forum if there was! :-)
Can you instead change the name with setPropertyValue or does that give you the same error?
This is a Jade bug so the support team should provide you with a proper fix.

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Re: How to script delete a system class

Postby BeeJay » Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:18 pm

I'm not sure how you've managed this as I get a 'string already exists in superschema" or a "string already exists in subschema" error when trying to setup this situation in Jade 6.3.x with the IDE.

Have you considered creating a new 'temporary' translatable string in the superschema, move all references to the current string to the 'new' string, then remove the superschema instance of the duplicate string. This may then allow you to remove the version in the subschema as well. Then, you could put it back to the original name again in the superschema by re-creating the original string name in the superschema and change all usages of the 'temporary' string back to the original string name.

Hope that helps,

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Re: How to script delete a system class

Postby concord » Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:58 am


I loaded a schema extract that included a TString defined in ParentSchema into a different system that already had this TString defined in ChildSchema.

When I (or the JDE) accesses all Strings it copies the collection from each schema into one collection, this is where the key already exists pops up.
The String browser is hitting this error, which is why I turned to a workspace, I can target the 2 schema collections from a workspace and identify the offending TString object, I just can't delete it.

Luckily this is a Test system, I'm surprised by how much grief this is giving me and also that I have never tripped over it before. While I have this happening I wanted to work through a quick fix in case it ever happened to a production system.

The system is not available at the moment as I'm running a Certify.

I'm sure Jade Support have given me scripts in the past to deal to something similar to this.
As it's just a test system and 6.3 is sooo old I thought I'd hit the forums before bothering with Jade Support.

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Re: How to delete an instance of TranslatableString, which is a System Class.

Postby concord » Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:47 pm

I gave this an inaccurate title, should have been: How to delete an instance of TranslatableString, which is a System Class.

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Re: How to script delete a system class

Postby concord » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:45 am

Oops, the JDE only throws an error when opening the Strings browser for the ChildSchema, which is ultimately where I want to remove the duplicate from.

However, I can simply open the Strings browser for the ParentSchema and delete the duplicates there... then just set about shifting these Strings into the correct schema.

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Re: How to script delete a system class

Postby BeeJay » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:59 am

That's what I was suggesting in my first response, that you may be able to remove the 'duplicate' from the superschema using the JADE IDE.

We have a similar 'issue' in our system, where we want all the translatable strings to be defined in the superschema. However, it's very easy for a developer when using the F6 shortcut to turn the selected inline string into a translatable string to forget to select the superschema in the 'Schema' combo on the 'Add String' screen. We therefore have one of our nightly unit tests which scans for translatable strings which have been created in the 'wrong' schema and reports an error if it finds any which have been defined in one of the subschemas.


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