how to initialize the payment?

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how to initialize the payment?

Postby Jay » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:46 pm

I am thinking about making payment function in the Jade form.
Maybe possible ways to make it happen would be using HTML or .NET. I couldn't find native function for this to happen.
What methods do you use to make a payment page actually working?

Thank you.

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Re: how to initialize the payment?

Postby BeeJay » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:58 am

It all depends on what options for integration to their online payment service are made available by the online payment service provider you plan to use.

They may provide a SOAP Web Service, in which case you could import their WSDL using the Web Service Consumer feature in Jade, and then write your payment logic to use the proxy classes created by that import process.

They may provide a REST Web Service, in which case you have to do more roll-your-own code. This could be by creating your own .Net wrapper, to simplify calling the REST Web Service from your JADE code, or by using the TcpIpConnection and/or JadeHTTPConnection classes. If the responses from the REST Web Service contains a JSON payload the JadeJson class may be of use to process the response. If the responses from the REST Web Service contains an XML payload the JadeXML******* classes may be of use to process the response.

They may provide custom libraries required to communicate with their payment platform, in which case you could potentially interact with these libraries via the Libraries and External Functions browsers in the Jade IDE.

... and so on.

So, the technique that is most appropriate to use will for the most part be driven by the options that are made available by your chosen online payment service provider and which of those options is most easily utilised by your Jade logic.


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