synergyfocus >> Tue, 24 Sep 2002 2:44:36 GMT
Originally started looking into using the Windows API function Shell_NotifyIcon in the Shell32.dll file, which can add remove and modify an icon in the system tray.
Then found a little freebie ocx that did it for me - nice and simply, 5 properties:
Add - Add your icon to the system tray.
Delete - Delete your icon on the system tray.
Modify - Modify your currently loaded system tray icon.
SetPicture - Sets the picture location of the icon you will load onto the system tray
SetTip - Sets the Tool Tip of your icon on the system tray.
and a mouseClick event.
Used that instead of having to try and create the data structure required to pass to the Shell_NotifyIcon function.
Your response:
When the application closes couldn't you get a handle to the form and
delete it?
I don't want to close the application though, I just want to hide the form, I want it still running as essentially a non-gui app.
As for a bit of C++ thuckery to modify the window - Uggghhh! wouldn't know where to start!
So was kinda hoping for a Jade alternative, or an API function that could somehow do it I suppose.
Craig - your response, to use a background application.
Because I am using an ocx, it has to be on a form, so that means I can not use any sort of non-gui application.
If I did dare to venture back to using the api mentioned above, so wasn't restricted to having to use a form, would creating icons in the system tray be considered gui related and therefore not work from a non-gui app, or because its not in a window it would let me away with it?