by Dave >> Thu, 6 Sep 2007 13:14:28 GMT
Hi my name is Dave,
I'm a 2nd Year Computer Science student at Canterbury, doing a Introductory JADE course and I'm well into the thick of my Assignment due fairly soon, well I've developed a music player in JADE loosely replicating the GUI and basic functionality of ITunes.
Anyway I've come to a point where I'm really starting to enjoy the JADE language (You get so much done so quickly) but find that theres actually very little help when it comes to understanding some of the workings of JADE.
My problem is simply that I need a method to be called every 100 milliseconds until the user stops it.
Now in any other OO language its fairly straight forward, java for instance would perhaps go Thread.tick(100); no problem.
I read and reread what I could get from the JADE Documentation but I'm still here scratching my head. I'd ask my lecturer but its the holidays, and I ts one of those things that I'd expect more than one person struggles with.
Any tips and Pointers would be great.