Torrie >> Tue, 14 Nov 2006 0:34:14 GMT
Torrie - he already said he has the jadrap running in his post.
You're right. For some reason I read JadApp.
Shahzad - you have already been pointed to the server=multiUser option that can be added to your command file or your ini file by Torrie. You also need to check that your ServerNodeSpecifications in the [JadeClient] section of the ini file are a match for at least one of your NetworkSpecification entries in the [JadeServer] section of your ini file. Might I also recommend that you add the ini= specification to your command line to guarantee you are using the ini file you think you are using, rather than relying on the internal rules Jade has for defaulting the ini file.
You can see how the application is trying to connect from the Jommsg<n>.log This is normally located in the Logs directory (next to the bin directory that contains Jade.exe or Jadeclient.exe.) When a multi-user process connects you will see something like
2006/11/14 13:11:51.087 003bc-d38 K2: (jade) Version 6.1.8 - ANSI, OS Version: NT 5.02 build 3790 (Service Pack 1)
2006/11/14 13:11:51.118 003bc-d38 K2: Invocation: "E:\JadeTest\Server\c_bin\jade.exe" path=e:\JadeTest\Server\c_system ini=e:\JadeTest\Server\c_config\JadeTest.ini app=Jade
2006/11/14 13:11:51.087 003bc-d38 JomSrvc: jomSrvcOpenConnection: connecting to database server using ServerNodeSpecifications 'JadeLocal,JadeTest,,,'
The last line show lists the network connection that the process is trying to connect to. In this case it is using the SharedMemory transport.
When trying to start in single user mode, you will see something like the following
2006/11/14 12:36:42.600 00854-770 K2: (jadclient) Version 6.1.8 - ANSI, OS Version: NT 5.02 build 3790 (Service Pack 1)
2006/11/14 12:36:42.600 00854-770 K2: Invocation: E:\JadeTest\Server\c_bin\jadclient.exe path=e:\JadeTest\Server\c_system ini=e:\JadeTest\Server\c_config\JadeTest.ini app=VCare schema=VCareFormSchema server=SingleUser
2006/11/14 12:36:42.600 00854-770 PDB: Database initialising with jomdb version:, ini=e:\JadeTest\Server\c_config\JadeTest.ini 2006/11/14 12:36:42.600 00854-770 PDB: System file directory: E:/JadeTest/Server/c_bin/
Note that the last two lines are different from the example above.
In this case the INI file has "server=MultiUser" specified in the Jade section, hence the second example and explicitly listed server=SingleUser on the command line