Gregory Tolhurst >> Thu, 23 Mar 2000 22:04:33 GMT
1. You are assuming that it does cost significantly more to develop an elegant solution (say one form with multiple messages on it) than one that uses the Windows Message Box. I don't believe this to be true. JADE could have a reusable form that could display multiple messages.
3. I don't think that the analogy is appropriate. Software can be much more accommodating to individual user preferences than buildings can. That's why it's called "soft"! I do agree with Fred Brook's comment though - but that's reality. If one software product doesn't satisfy users' desires, then users will often be willing to switch to another one that does.
Aren't words wonderful in the right hands? If I argue for a message box solution, then Craig has me arguing against an "elegant" solution!
Yes, it's true that a reusable form displaying multiple messages could be inexpensive to develop in itself. Implementing it could be very expensive though...
Putting up a message "You can't delete this class because references to it exist" is easy (and inexpensive) for the product developer (some would say "lazy"!).
Putting up a message "If you delete this class the following references will also be deleted..." is harder (and more expensive) because the product developer now has to design another interaction. He has to write a readable message that may extend for hundreds of words. He has to provide more options (continue and delete all references; continue and unhook references in case they embrace a superclass of the class being deleted...). He has to handle support issues from customers who say "I got a thirty-line message so I just clicked OK and now all my references have vanished".
Analogies are like farting in church - seldom appropriate but hard to resist. Oops, there's another lame one! Yes, my building analogy is weak, but my point remains: features aren't omitted out of laziness - they're omitted for more complex reasons.