by cnwep1 >> Wed, 17 Jul 2002 7:04:39 GMT
Danger! Trivia ahead!
I've noticed an alarming increase in the practice of using underscores to prefix parameter names in methods e.g. issileLauncher::doSomethingExciting( _atomBomb : AtomBomb; _city : Target );
Now call me old fashioned but I thought there was an unwritten convention in Jade that hidden methods and features of classes defined in RootSchema etc. were prefixed with '_' e.g. Btree::_values. If this is so then shouldn't we really be using some other prefix (if one is needed) to indicate to readers that we're referencing a parameter?
What conventions do others use for this kind of thing?
Anyone for 'p'?
Time for bed,
Eric in Dunedin (dark and calm and cool and clear)