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documentation on jadeActiveXInvoke parameters

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:58 am
by RollyNZ
In our system we use many ActiveX commands e.g. a WebBrowser one
browserControl.document._jadeActiveXInvoke( 'write', 1, '0.3,1.3', “HTML string” );
or a Word one
_jadeActiveXInvokeProperty( 'CorrectInitialCaps', set_, value_, false, '0.0,1.11', '0.11' );

now I know (or can guess!) what these do but what I would like to know is where I can find documentation of what the other parameters e.g.
“1, '0.3,1.3'” mean and should be

Any suitable help would be appreciated ;)
Cheers Rolly

Re: documentation on jadeActiveXInvoke parameters

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:48 pm
by MJH
Hi Rolly,

The ActixeXControl methods you refer to are unpublished methods that are intended to only be used in the methods generated when you import an ActiveX library. They are not documented as they are not intended for developers to call directly.

What are you attempting to do that requires you to call these methods directly?

Mathew Hylkema
JADE Plant

Re: documentation on jadeActiveXInvoke parameters

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:31 pm
by RollyNZ
Hi Mathew,

When you say: "The ActixeXControl methods you refer to are unpublished methods that are intended to only be used in the methods generated when you import an ActiveX library. They are not documented as they are not intended for developers to call directly.

What are you attempting to do that requires you to call these methods directly?"

Unfortunately these calls have been in the system since it was owned by Jade and there are many examples of them, one example is the one I mentioned originally ie

In our system we use many ActiveX commands e.g. a WebBrowser one
browserControl.document._jadeActiveXInvoke( 'write', 1, '0.3,1.3', “HTML string” );

So in this case I am trying to understand what goes in the paramArgs string and what is represents, I am not actually making code changes.

cheers Rolly