I have a Jade system consuming a web service hosted by another Jade system, I'm trying to locate the config setting that's imposing a 120 second timeout.
My consumer ends up with the following exception:
The service returned a fault message
HTTP Error 12002 HTTP Send Request Failed
The WebService Provider end appears to have no issue running over 120 seconds, it looks to be completing and returning a reply say at the 130 second mark.
Made me think it's a simple 120 timeout on the Consumer end.
I've had a go at creating a WebConsumer config xml file and adding that into jade.ini, Consumer side...
ConsumerConfigFile = C:\WWDev2\bin\webservice.xml
To see if this was going to have any effect I tried cutting the timeout back to 15 seconds:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web_services_consumer schema="CSFormSchema" name="global" id="">
Made no difference, still failed after 120 seconds.
Any ideas?