Jade 7 ODBC Drivers

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Jade 7 ODBC Drivers

Postby justin » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:18 pm

If I want to access my existing Jade 7 Database server, via ODBC from a different computer, how do I install the Jade 7 ODBC drivers?

Are they available separately? Can I just copy a DLL/EXE from somewhere?

Looking at the Jade documentation and it only appears to mention them as part of a full Jade install.

I don't want a full install, just the ODBC drivers, is that possible?

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Re: Jade 7 ODBC Drivers

Postby Jade Support » Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:51 am

On the 'different computer' should use the JADE Thin Client. This comes with the thin client ODBC drivers which can then be configured to communicate with the ODBC Application you're run on the Application Server. Refer to JADE ODBC Thin Client in the Relational Queries Using ODBC White Paper available here: http://www.jade.co.nz/jade/whitepapers. ... nalqueries.

Alternatively you could do a full JADE client installation and use its ODBC drivers to communicate directly with the jadrap.
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