We currently use the JadeReport class to store a persistent copy of any letters that we send from our app.
They are stored as a Windows MetaFile rather than the SVG option as the quality is better, the text can be copied and pasted from the letter, and the text is searchable. Works great and have had no problems.
But... I now added a high resolution marketing image to one of our letters, its a 500k jpg, looks great, prints nice and sharp, so I don't really want to drop the size/resolution done.
However the pageImage for this one page letter is now 42Mb! How can a 500k image increase the pageImage by that much??
So I obviously don't want to do this - it makes viewing the stored letter over a thin client rather tedious.
And are there any tricks around this - like storing the image seperately then applying it as a watermark?
But pesumably once the pageImage is stored I can't change it when I go to view it by overlaying the image.
I could print it as a PDF and store tha,t which is only around 340k so nice and small, but thats a big change to the whole way we generate, store and view our letters, so not too keen on that option.
Currently our print settings are:
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.