by JADE Kid - Ray Hidayat >> Tue, 4 Jul 2000 21:44:10 GMT
I discovered at the JADE plant, in front of all the other JADE Kids, that JADE can't load large files using a command like this: := file.readBinary (file.fileLength);
How embarrassing.
It always comes up with an error that says something, but I can't remember it.
So I redesigned it to read it in chunks that are 64k - 1 (65535) long. But still, it comes up with an error (a different one. Not enough cache or something), so I redesigned it, so as it reads all the chunks, it begins and ends a transaction.
But still, it comes up with the same error.
So I have came up with a solution.
You have loadPicture, so why not have loadFile.
Then I wouldn't have to write so much not-working code.
Ray Hidayat
JADE Kid - 2000