We are trying to build a Jade interface into Salesforce via REST. We are using the JadeHttpConnection. We have correctly logged in and are to the point of having received the authorization token but are having problems trying to add the authorization header to our subsequent http request.
We have defined an external method on JadeHttpConnection (based upon a hidden one that was already defined) ...
type: Integer;
key: String;
index: Integer;
value: String) is "httpHeaderAdd" in "jadinet";
BUT it does not seem to actually update the header - I suspect we may not be assigning parameters correctly.
We have seen other posts which have suggested writing a .NET module to provide an interface but are not in a position to do this - we would like to be able to implement entirely in Jade. We are also aware of the SOAP API but have had issues with this and decided not to go any further with this.
Does anyone have any experience / suggestions that may help?