Patwos >> Tue, 5 Aug 2003 1:31:57 GMT
How to do this depends on whether or not you can live with a non-dockable toolbar until you upgrade to the 6.0 release where a dockable toolbar control is supplied by Jade.
In 5.2, if you can live with a non-dockable toolbar then you could simulate your toolbar with a frame, or picture, painted at the top of your forms or your applications main MDI frame.
Then, you could put as many JadeMask controls as required onto the toolbar with the appropriate up/down/over/disabled images to simulate your look and feel for the toolbar "buttons".
Note that I would explicitly use a JadeMask with the "highlight rectangle" as an integral part of the over and down images rather than using say a picture control and the mouseEnter / mouseLeave events to "manually" draw the highlighting. The reason I would do this is because you then get the desired roll over effect without any network traffic being generated between the thin client and the appserver - assuming of course that you're running in a thin client environment.
Hope that helps,