by Gloria McFarlane >> Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:02:48 GMT
I have a client requirement to be able to print a report selecting a different papersource for each page. Under Jade 5.0.015 this requires closing the printer between printing each page to change the
papersource parameter - which turns printing the report into 3
separate print jobs (only one page can be previewed at a time.
Using Jade 5.1.08, will I be able to use the JadeReport classes, and JadePrintPage, JadePrintDirect classes to implement this as one print job?
Is anybody doing this already? I haven't made much headway with the documentation in the helpfiles on these classes to work out how I need
to modify my existing reports to use these new features in Jade 5.1
but they look terrific.
Thanks for any tips you can give me
Gloria McFarlane
Southcom Ltd.