by Leonie Rae >> Tue, 30 Jan 2001 0:51:01 GMT
I want to access the last entry in a collection that is displayed in a table using the displayCollection method.
The Task:
When the collection is loaded it displays the first entry in the top row with the vScroll at the top of the scroll area.
I want to show the user the last entry made in the collection at the bottom oth the table with the vScroll at the bottom of the scroll area, so if the user wishes to view what is above the scroll is moved upwards.
The Problem:
When displaying a collection in a table it only displays say 13 ( dependent on the design height of the table). The vertical scroll is determined by the topRow property of the table.
When you scroll down the above entries are discarded and other entries are added. So there are only ever 13 rows in the table.
There appears to be no way to access the vertical scroll or to reverse the way a table handles the displayCollection method.
There is a performance issue if the entire collection is loaded into the table.
Any thought would be kindly appreciated.
Leonie Rae