ODBC revealed

The use of specific JADE features and proposals for new feature suggestions
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ODBC revealed

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:48 am

by Rory White >> Mon, 28 May 2001 5:03:43 GMT

Every now and then I want to update information in a JADE database via third party apps by going through the JADE ODBC driver.

And I start wondering about an ideal world where the SQL statement sent through the ODBC driver is exposed for all to see. Then, in much the same way as the security method is set up for a Relational View, a 'SQL Statement Parser' method could be set up and react to a statement like 'update customer set phone='555-1234' where customer_no = 1' to update the relevant JADE object. And although it wouldn't make the ODBC driver supports updates in the usual sense, it could be said that JADE allows ODBC updates.

Any thoughts?


Posts: 5321
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Re: ODBC revealed

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:48 am

by Wilfred Verkley >> Mon, 28 May 2001 22:26:40 GMT

Writing a custom parser for SQL statements sounds like hard work. An easier way to implement something like this might be to allow jade to expose certain methods as "Stored Procedures". Many conventional applications do all their interaction with the relational database solely through stored proc's so it would be a very natural way for all kinds of external applications to interface to Jade.

Do you have control over the external application? There are other ways to interface to jade to update or retrieve data ie. the JOM, activeX exposure, or something custom like the SOAP RPC interface that we have.


Posts: 5321
Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:19 pm

Re: ODBC revealed

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:48 am

by Rory White >> Tue, 29 May 2001 1:25:31 GMT

Hard work? I don't scare that easily. I think the stored procedure idea is very solid though.

Typically I don't have control over the external application. The most I get to say is "Here's the ODBC SQL statement that you need to use, so that instead of talking to Oracle you talk to JADE". A stored procedure type method exposure would work well with this, especially if it could take parameters and pass back a return code etc.

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