A Jade Fat Client

The use of specific JADE features and proposals for new feature suggestions
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A Jade Fat Client

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:46 am

by JADE Kid - Ray Hidayat >> Mon, 8 Jan 2001 13:08:58 GMT

I have used the thin client before, and I find it is very slow, and it is hard to make a program on.

Don't you think it would be a good idea to make a Fat Client for Jade?

I'm sure businesses and everything use Jade Programs, and find it slow to use the programs. I think a fat client would be a good idea. I have all this power on my computer than is going to waste when I use the thin client.

The Thin Client will still be an option though. Since it will be smaller, and not require much.

Ray Hidayat
JADE Kid - 2000

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Re: A Jade Fat Client

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:46 am

by Craig Shearer >> Mon, 8 Jan 2001 23:46:31 GMT

JADE already has a fat client - in fact, that's probably what most people use for development, and what you run when running JADE single-user mode. (But you can also run fat clients multi-user too.)

The difference between the fat client and the thin client is that with a fat client, the server sends objects to the fat client machine for processing, whereas with the thin client you only have user-interface changes moving over the network. I can assure you that a fat client would be MUCH slower than a thin client over a slow network.

In defence of the thin client, presumeably you are using a dial-up connection to an app server? From what I've seen the performance is pretty good considering what it's actually doing. You're never going to get fantastic performance over a dial-up connection (unless you go back to the days of having dumb terminals!)

Craig (in Auckland, where it's slightly cloudy, and not the slightest bit confusing!)

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Re: A Jade Fat Client

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:46 am

by JADE Kid - Ray Hidayat >> Tue, 9 Jan 2001 0:40:05 GMT

Well, I'll take the Fat client for a spin and see if I like it. I always give make mistakes in thin client because it is a bit hard to control.

Ray Hidayat
JADE Kid - 2000

Posts: 5321
Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:19 pm

Re: A Jade Fat Client

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:46 am

by JADE Kid - Ray Hidayat >> Tue, 9 Jan 2001 1:05:28 GMT

Well, actually, now that I read your post again, I won't try it. It will be much slower. I agree. I couldn't get it working anyway.

Ray Hidayat
JADE Kid - 2000

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