by JADE Kid - Ray Hidayat >> Wed, 17 May 2000 8:20:45 GMT
I always used to complain to AJ that JADE WILL NOT COMPILE INTO AN EXE LIKE VB AND QB AND C AND DELPHI AND EVEN MODULA, THE LANGUAGE IT WAS BASED ON!!! But you know, after a little (that is an understatement) thought about it, I think that it is a great idea to have JADE not compile into an executable file!
The reason he told me was that "Here at Jade; We believe that things are always changing. ".
And he was right.
Jade is a business program that serves other computers with a database. Now constantly people will be editing it, changing it and making it better and better. The thing that is special about JADE is you can do this while the program is running. Now I think that the people at Jade thought of everything. Gosh; I love Jade. Has anyone been annoyed with the same problem? Well if you have, I hope this is the answer.
Ray Hidayat
JADE Kid - 2000