Deimplementation of the JadeEditor::ForceMultiByteLocale par

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Deimplementation of the JadeEditor::ForceMultiByteLocale par

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:55 am

by Jade Support >> Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:33:16 GMT

In JADE 6.1, we are planning to deimplement the ForceMultiByteLocale parameter in the JadeEditor section of the JADE ini file.

Currently, this parameter is defined as follows:
The ForceMultiByteLocale parameter enables you to include multiple-byte characters in the JADE editor pane (for example, a font defined as MS Minchou, or Kanji, when the selected base locale is Japanese). When you set this parameter to true and you cut and paste multiple-byte characters, the cursor movement is consistent with the characters that are input or pasted.

Note that this parameter applies only to ANSI versions of JADE. (Unicode versions allow multiple-byte characters in the editor pane.)

By default, ForceMultiByteLocale is disabled (that is, the parameter value is set to false). We are not aware of any sites that make use of this parameter.

If you make use of this parameter (that is, you have set its value to true), please reply to:

Jade Support.

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