by Stephen >> Tue, 9 Mar 2004 2:21:06 GMT
I am having frustrating issues with the new conditional references feature in Jade 6. I have upgraded many of our collections to have conditions on them now, which for the most part work very nicely and are extremely helpful. However each time I add or remove a property on a class with the conditional methods on it (ie reorg required) the reorg empties out all my collections that have a condition atatched.
At first I thought it was a freak thing, so wrote a script to correct it, and carried on, but its doing it again and again....
We have the following:
The reference properties listed are on the Class "Franchisee"
rAllTenders TenderDict, inverse rFranchisee, of Tender rAllOpenTenders TenderDict, inverse rFranchisee where isTenderOpen, of Tender rAllClosedTenders TenderDict, inverse rFranchisee where isTenderClosed, of Tender rAllWithdrawnTenders TenderDict, inverse rFranchisee where isTenderWithdrawn, of Tender
All collections work until I add a property to the Tender class, after the reorg is completed the only collection with any entries is rAllTenders. The other 3 are now empty.
I have to then run a script that sets rFanchisee to null, then back to what it was, and the other collections get populated again.
This isn't just happening with this one class, it is happening everywhere in our system and reproducable everytime.
Is it something I have set up incorrectly? What am I missing here?!? Thanks