RE: ComboBox and itemLevel, hasPictures etc

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RE: ComboBox and itemLevel, hasPictures etc

Postby BeeJay » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:43 am

I'm trying to get a Combobox to show a hierarchy tree in JADE 6.3

The code below should add a String to the combobox defined as "combobox", at level 1, then one at level 2 (under it). The combobox appears to be ignoring the levels, and it's setting both items at level 1.
combobox.itemLevel[combobox.addItem("test")] := 1;
combobox.itemLevel[combobox.addItem("test2")] := 2;

I've read the JADE documentation for itemLevel, and the above code works fine on a ListBox.

Another interesting observation, when I try to set the combobox properties hasPlusMinus or hasPictures to be "True" in the form designer it ignores the request (doesn't change the combobox to true).

Has anyone struck this issue before? Two possible workarounds I can think of are
combobox.addItem("- test2")];
combobox.addItem("- test3")];

Or emulating the behavior using a borderless form containing a listbox, which could be more trouble than it's worth.

If anyone knows how to get the proper hierarchical combobox implementation working, could you let me know how?
It would appear you have deleted your original posting, but for the benefit of other readers the most likely reason for this being ignored would be having the sorted property set to true.


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Re: RE: ComboBox and itemLevel, hasPictures etc

Postby AndrewHC » Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:46 pm

Thank-you for this BeeJay; you're correct - as soon as I discovered this I deleted the request. I'll reply to my own post in future ;)


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