by Brett >> Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:56:48 GMT
I've just had a look at the Hypertext Preprocessor for JADE (.jhp) in that it operates in a similiar way to PHP and ASP.
There is still the problem of embedding the business logic into HTML code. Meaning that after a Web Developer has developed the HTML page the Jade developer must go in and insert the relevant Jade code into the correct spots, without upsetting the current HTML code. This can be time consuming tracking down errors caused by either party.
I see the Browser/Web Server operating in a two step process, 1) web server collates information from the Jade database (containing HTML code and Jade code) and 2) passes the HTML code back to the browser.
From my understanding Java has recognised the above problem and solved this using the Model-View-Controller pattern. The business logic is split from the graphic interface, by using a three step process, 1) information is collected from Jade database and placed into variables (In Java called a servlet), 2) the information is passed onto the web server and setup by using HTML tags and the Parameters populated from Step 1, and 3) passes the HTML code back to the browser.
I would like to see the Business Logic separated from the Web GUI.
What do you think?