by Silver Springs ... >> Fri, 17 Mar 2000 0:55:16 GMT
Good arvo,
There is a requirement (sic) with the application I'm working on to have it play a WAV sound file when launched as a single user application.
Having concocted the particular portion of the song and converted it with fade to a suitable WAV file I find my options for having it played seem to be :
1. Have it load up instead of the .AVI file with a setting in the [Jade] section of your JADE.INI file
2. Have it loaded and played using the app.playSound facility in something like the initialize method of the application.
Option:1 is good in that it starts the sound playing much sooner when launching -- but unfortunately it doesn't play the .WAV file to completion -- it cuts it off when the first form is presented
Option:2 is good in that the whole .WAV file is played -- but is launched later than desirable.
How about a new option that allows a sound file to be launched as early as possible after launching the application and playing it to completion .............. ?????????
SilverSprings ...............................