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#27 Critical Fix: JADE 7.0 Reorg empties Collections

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:07 am
by Jade Support
In JADE 7.0 a reorg will result in populated collections being emptied if ALL of the following conditions are true:
  • encrypted or stripped source schemas are in use
  • and a condition method is loaded into this schema
  • and a Load Style of "Load as Latest Schema Version" (ie the default) was used.
Hotfixes and address this issue and must be installed if the above apply.

JADE 6.3 is not affected by this.

When loading a condition method using the load style of "Load as Latest Schema Version" (or, if using jadloadb from the command line, loadStyle=latestSchemaVersion) into a schema which has encrypted (or stripped) source, the method is versioned. When performing a subsequent reorg, JADE regards the versioned condition method as having changed (since the method has a new OID) and so set-ups an an inverse rebuild, ie a collection deletion, from the manual side.

However when it checks the manual side of the inverse it correctly determines that there is no change and so doesn't schedule a rebuild on the automatic side. Consequently the collection is cleared but not then rebuilt.

With the hot fix in place the reorg now checks for a constraint change on both the manual and automatic sides of an inverse and so correctly decides whether the collection needs clearing and rebuilding.

If you have any further questions, please contact JADE Support.