If not already present the section will be added on start-up with several default parameters set up. It will be populated with additional parameters when the first database reorg occurs.
Confusion over the duplication of INI parameters between the JadeReorg and PersistentDb sections of the INI file can arise because the original PersistentDb parameters are retained following the JADE 6.3 upgrade. As such it's necessary to define the JADE behaviour:
Part of the confusion can come from the way the JADE defines "default" INI parameters. Parameters like ReorgWorkDirectory that take a literal string as a path use the default value of "<default>", where as other parameters like ReorgWorkerThreads that use integer based values have a digit as their default, e.g. "1". Anyone responsible for maintaining a JADE INI file needs to be aware of this behaviour.When performing a reorg JADE 6.3 will first look to the JadeReorg section of the INI file. If the parameter it's looking for exists and isn't defined with that parameter's "default" value, then JADE will use it. If the parameter does have the default value then it will look to the PersistentDb section and read the parameter from there.
If the parameter is not found in either section JADE will use it's "default" value.
If you are unsure of the "default" value for any JadeReorg parameters they are documented in chapter one, page 215 of the JADE Initialization File Reference document.