by Stephen Persson >> Thu, 20 Jul 2000 21:04:03 GMT
Just after a bit of feedback on what the advantages & disadvantages are with having deployed apps either all within the one system or split into their own seperate systems (I'm meaning apps within seperate schemas).
The main advantage I see in having them all in one system is having one system to maintain instead of >1 - easier for Jade upgrades & maintaining/updating any shared superschemas.
But the disadvantage is licensing - if client has 2 licenses, having them in seperate systems means each app can have 2 concurrent connections, versus 2 connections shared between all your apps.
What about system stability though?
If they are all within the one system and one of the apps dies a painful death, does it affect the other apps (this is apps within different schemas)?
Presumably each seperate schema is OK (assuming they don't share map files) but what about shared BaseSchema classes, where different schemas may have instances within the same map file?
What about performance?
Obviously depends on hardware, but on the same hardware, would the apps perform better in their own seperate system ?
With a lot of apps in the one system do you need to increase caching requirements or anything like that to maintain performance levels? Caching is a client workstation thing though isn't it - but you know what I'm getting at.