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RPS problem loading data

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:00 pm
by davidmellow
Hi all

Encountering a problem on setting a Jade 7.1.04 system, RPS node (I've done this successfully a few times with 7.0.x systems, but not the same system as this one). I've created the tables, but on the Load Data action I'm encountering an exception part way through the .tbl creation (i.e. maybe a couple of dozen files have been created and populated OK before the error)...
(From Jade doco)..

3276 RPS Oid ClassNumber value is too large for Oid Mapping Option

Cause: This error occurs if the oid ClassNumber is too large for the RPS Oid Mapping Option currently selected in the
RPS mapping used in a RPS node. The Datapump application will be stopped.

Action: Change the RPS Oid Mapping Option to accommodate the current ClassNumber values and then recreate the
RPS node and SqlServer database.

The Oid Mapping Option is set to "Map to String" (which we really want to stick to), and a script looping through all classes in the mapping shows their Class.number as 4 digits long at the most. Looking at a random "oid" value in a tbl that was successfully created, it is "02404.0000000018" which is the format I'd have expected. Unfortunately I can't figure from logs etc the exact class it's failing on.

So, given that none of the classes in the mapping have numbers of more than 4 digits, can anyone think of a cause for this exception????


Re: RPS problem loading data

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:46 pm
by BeeJay

I can't speak for Jade, but looking at the details of the error, and the circumstances under which it is raised, it seems unlikely that it would be raised in any circumstance other than when it encounters a class number > 99,999. Are you able to do a test load with the OID Mapping option set to Split Into Columns Int/BigInt to see if that completes and, assuming it does, look at one of the problem tables and see what OIDs are in there that may be causing this error to occur?


Re: RPS problem loading data

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:53 pm
by davidmellow
Cheers BeeJay, that's a sound idea. It has also occurred to me, could that error sometimes refer to the oid of a reference attribute, not the class itself.

When I get back to that task I'll give your suggestion a go.


Re: RPS problem loading data

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:59 am
by Jade Support
Hi David,

The issue you have encountered is due to the increase in Class Numbers in JADE 7.1, which have been extended to over 1000000, this has increased the maximum size of Object Identifiers from 16 in JADE 7.0 to 28 in JADE 7.1. The OID Mapping Option "Map To String" did not contain sufficient characters to handle this increase.

This change was documented (link below) in the 7.1 release notes. However, as of JADE 7.1.07 (due April '16) a new 'Map to String - 7.1 format' will be available to allow for the increase in maximum OID size. ... apping.htm

Jade Support