I'm trying to gauge the level of interest there would be in the UK for a Jade developer day.
This would be developers coming together for a day of sharing experiences in software development using Jade along the lines of the DDD days by the .NET development community (http://www.developerdeveloperdeveloper.com/ddd8/).
I'd expect the day to focus on discussions, demonstrations and hands-on sessions around solutions to problems common to teams regardless of their business domain (eg unit/integration testing, revision control systems, deployment, refactoring, tools etc)
I'd be happy to contribute some of the experiences I've had with effective Test Driven Development in Jade and I'm sure I could rope Jason Young in to talk about refactoring tool he is working on.
If you are even remotely interested then fil out the form here:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreads ... SUhyZmc6MQ