We are currently toying with the idea of moving our test databases from a machine running Windows Server 2003 to a new machine running Linux Fedora. We are running Jade 6.2.17 and i have successfully installed the Red Hat Jade Installation onto the Linux machine ready to copy across one of the databases. We are intending to fully test the system before we continue copying the rest.
I am currently working from "Chapter 4 Converting a User Database" of the "JADE Runtime Application Guide" to help me with this task, but i thought i'd check on here if anybody has done this before and whether i am likely to hit any issues?
I understand that every system will have different uses and therefore different problems but i thought if there are any generically known problems then i can at least prepare for them! Also, can anybody offer any guidance on where i can find the "JadeConvertDb application? I have looked for it but not found it :-s... I imagine this will be glaringly obvious when i am told...
Any help, or experience, will be very appreicated.