I wanted to create a web based client to access my jade system.
I have gone through whitepapers as well. It will be very helpful if someone gives me a small application which can act as an example along with the step by step procedure to be followed.
Hi Vineet,
Any simple form-based GUI application can be used as an initial test. e.g. just one form with a text box, a label and a button. Just code a button click event to display a "hello, world" message.
To configure a Web application, create a new Application in Jade JDE and set the "Application Type" to "Web Enabled". There are further settings to configure for the application that relate to connection with the web server.
I have found that most of the initial experimentation work is in setting up the web server to work with Jade.
This will differ depending on which OS and web server you will run. You can choose IIS (Windows only) or Apache.
IIS uses Jadehttp.dll. Apache uses mod_jadehttp. Chapter 5 of InstallConfig.pdf can give you help on setting them up.
The way I understand that the web app works is that the web action causes jadehttp/mod_jadehttp to connect to the Jade app (which is waiting, listening for an inbound connection). It passes the information (eg. form name & data) and translates the request so that Jade can process it almost as if it was a native Jade form event. So you have to have both the Jade app running and the web server running for it to work.
Here's my own personal notes from setting up a simple web app on RedHat 3 with Apache and Jade 6.1 (disclaimer: It's what worked for me, but not at all canonical. It was experimental only, not for production!):
Application Configuration
1. Connection Name must be hostname:port_number
Setup process for Jade 6.1 on RedHat 3
1. copy Jade's jadehttp module to the apache module directory.
Code: Select all
sudo cp /home/jade/lib/jadehttp.so /usr/lib/jadehttpd/modules
2. edit
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to add the following lines
Code: Select all
LoadModule jadehttp_module modules/mod_jadehttp.so
Include conf/jade.conf
3. create jade.conf in the same directory
Code: Select all
<IfModule mod_jadehttp.c>
<Location /info>
SetHandler jadehttp-info
<Location /app>
SetHandler jadehttp-handler
Application MurrayTest_Web
TcpConnection localhost 6007
4. restart httpd (check for errors)...
I think I still have it in a VM somewhere - can possibly resurrect it if necessary.