Extending JavaScript language keyword list in JadeTextEdit

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Extending JavaScript language keyword list in JadeTextEdit

Postby PhilBaird » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:32 pm

Hi, I am wanting to extend the JavaScript languages keyword list in a JadeTextEdit control to include keywords from extension libraries such as Base.js

I have attempted to use the JadeTextEdit::changeKeywords method as follows:

Code: Select all

self.changeKeywords(JadeTextEdit.KEYWORDS_ADD, 1, "base");
where I have found the range of valid values for the keywordList parameter being in the range 1-9, however, none of these appears to work as "base" never displays as a keyword. (I have set the language to JadeTextEdit.SCLEX_JAVASCRIPT and called the JadeTextEdit::applySettings method after attempting to add the keyword).

The documentation states only, rather unhelpfully, "Keyword list numbers are language-specific".

Does the JadeTextEdit::changeKeywords method actually work for languages other than Jade, and, if so, is there a list anywhere of the keyword list numbers for each of the documented supported languages?

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